Endurance, sedulity, persistence - that’s how we can characterize the ten-years career of EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM at the prestigious extreme sports race DOLOMITENMANN. This year our participation has been crowned by the victory in the amateur competition and eleventh place in the total competition of 119 teams. Thanks to the great achievement of EUROFOAM team, the Czech Anthem could be heard in the award ceremony on the Lienz’s square this year. Our tenth jubilee participation of . The EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM victory has been acompanied 6th place of the EUROFOAM GREINER team and 7th place of our EUROFOAM CELLPUR team.

The race begun extraordinary by mountain runners – traditional pillars of EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM. The best was this time Jiří Voják – he was the second among the amateur runners (10th totally 1:30:32). Jirka has confirmed that the victory in the running part of ADRENALINCUP as well as the nomination to mountain run Word Championship were not random this year. Due to the absence of the double champion Jiří Magál, the fastest mountain runner of DOLOMITENMANN was the main favorite, Janthan Wyatt (1:22:08). His achievement and an advance of three minutes to the second runner (Robert Krupčík 1:25.08) were convincing. None of the competitors were able to get closer to KOLLAND TOPSPORT team – the defending champion of the last year. A nice surprise was the performance of Viktor Novotný (EUROFOAM CELLPUR 1:34:06 – 6th place) who has prepared for the race really seriously and was excelent in the hard end sections of the track. Viktor has proved by his achievement that the also skier experts are prepared to the hard track of DOLOMITENMANN. Petr Losman didn’t break during his eighth start his great statistics (seven times in the first ten) – 7th place 1:34:30. He built the base for the later victory of EUROFOAM team. The champion of the running part in 2003, who was every time among the first fifty is not only very experienced but mainly the faithful part of EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM relays.

A nice sunny weather didn’t complicate the race to paragliders. They were headed by an amateur racer, Paul Guschlbauer from PENZION RAIKA MAYRHOFEN relay, who reached more than half a minute advantage to „local hero“ Christian Amon from the later total champion team KOLLAND TOPSPORT with the time of 31:13,8. The tenth best paraglider among the amateurs was our Michal Krysta (37:02,7) who kept the relay of EUROFOAM in a medal chances. The great achievement was performed by Dalibor Kaláb (30th place 42:00,9). He was the most experienced EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM racer with his eighth start in DOLOMITENMANN. The „rookie“, Lukáš Klim was in a first forty among amateur paragliders (38th place 44:09).

The best czech kayakers had to appreciate the performance of Harald Hudetz (RED BULL TEAM 30:10). Nearest to his result was Kamil Mrůzek (ŠKODA AUTO 30:37). The EUROFOAM relay was moved to total victory by Ondřej Zajíc (33:44). Although there were several techical troubles during his race he reached the fourth best amateur time and replaced worthy Vítek Přindiš (participation in Word championship) and Jan Vondra (dislocated shoulder) - they were in the original EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM relay nomination. Tomáš Eisner (34:23) representing EUROFOAM GREINER team reached the finish among the first ten and thereby kept his relay in a contact with the best teams. The eightfold DOLOMITENMANN participant Jiří Šťastný suffered from aa angina. He kept the EUROFOAM CELLPUR relay in the first ten, thanks to sixteenth place among the amateur kayakers (36:00).

The fastest in a cycling part was Tony Longo (PLOIERHOF RACING TEAM 1:24:44). The fastest czech racer was Jiří Hudeček from Nissan team – he defeated the multiple champion of DOLOMITENMANN cycling part and at the same time vernacular racer Alban Lakata. A big support of EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM relays should be Matouš Ulman the participant of recent Word Championship XC in mountain biking Although he had just returned from oversea and than travelled to Linz his achievement was excellent. By his best time among amateur bikers (1:31:01) he finished the pursuit of Petr Losman (run), Michal Krysta (paragliding), Ondřej Zajíc (kayak) and he brought EUROFOAM relay to the first place among the amateur teams. Pavel Bartoň – this year XC mountain bikes Czech Republic champion - was with his great achievement in the first ten among the amateur bikers (8th place 1:38:45) and he brought EUROFOAM CELLPUR relay to the seventh place. A next patient – also angina - in the EUROFOAM relay was Václav Strnad (15th place 1:41:58). Nevertheless he missed the chance for the the fifth place only by 30,3 seconds.

The first, sixth and seventh ranks are more than grave celebration of the tenth participation for EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM relays in DOLOMITENMANN. The Czech anthem that was heard at the vistory ceremony belonged to all participants as well as to the great supporting team. It could not be possible to get from the 58th place in 2001 to the victory in 2010 without the support and commitment of all the people who even sacrificed they holliday to DOLOMITENMANN. Anyway – according to the philosophy of EUROFOAM SPORT TEAM and Radek Sedlak – the most important thing is the healthy return of all athletes to the finish and this in all the ten years of our participation in Dolomitenmann.