“Highland runner”
This year was the nineth anniversary of the competition in Okrisky and at the same time it was also the last but one part of the “Highland runner” serie. The Trest’s junior athlets take regularly part in this competition and this year was not an exception. Their number was the highest in the history of this event since more then 100 athlets were running “around Dolnak”. The alchimie of the great organization and the perfect autumn weather ended in all sportsmen absolute hapiness. At the end of the day everyone left Okrizky with this memorable day well carved in their souvenirs.

The main race of 6,3km in the men category was won by Robin Vohlidal from AOTJ Nova Vcelnice in 22:05 minutes. In the women category the fastest was Kristina Smetanova – ATLETIKA JIHLAVA in a very good time of 13 minutes. The second in the row was Kamila Pospichalova from AK OLOMOUC- she finished only 1 second behind the winner.
In the junior boys category the winner was Adam Kruzik from JPK Axis Jihlava. The second finished Jakub Smetana from AC TREST. His time in the 880m race was 3 minutes 11, 5 seconds behind Kruzik.
In the junior girls category the second finished Gabriela Novakova from AC TREST with time of 3 minutes and 27 seconds. Only 1 second later finished Dominika Adamkova also from AC Trest and from the same athletic club Lucie Smolikova got the sixth place-her time was 5 minutes and 16 seconds.
In the senior girls category in 880m race has won Simona Patryova – AC Trest in the great time of 4 minutes and second place went to Barca Vonkova also from AC Trest (her time 4:57).
Also in the youngest category AC Trest had a few of young stars. David Komin was second in the 650m race (2:43). The forth place went to Josef Smetana and the seventh place was for Ondra Tichy (3:25).
The youngest runner from Trest was Nikolka Adamkova. She finished second in the girls category upto 6 years.
All the Trest’s athlets are trainig really hard at this moment to get ready for the traditional Saint Nicolaus Race in Kamenice nad Lipou that will take place on Saturday December 6, 2008.
Complete results can be found on our web site: